BIOL 312 @UNBC - Molecular Cell Physiology 2

(Page 5 of 14)

I Will NOT Be Your Father: The Future of Male Birth Control

Parleen Pandher

Parthenogenesis – Males Need Not Apply

Brennan Bantle

Hand(edness)… how does it work!?!?

Brian Tse

TZAP: A Potential Reagent for the Elixir of Life

Michelyn Rutledge

Denser bones, Bigger muscles… Minus the Moustache

Edward Meier


Brianna Harasimiuk

Of Mice and Men: Exploring the field of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Research

Samantha S. Unger

Where would Hamlet, the Tinman, Ken and Barbie all be found in the same place? In Drosophila melanogaster of course!

Aashka Jani

Where would Hamlet, the Tinman, Ken and Barbie all be found in the same place? In Drosophila melanogaster of course!

Aashka Jani

Giving Nature a Hand

Josh Bleackley

A TRU Writer powered SPLOT: BIOL 312 @UNBC – Molecular Cell Physiology 2

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